Tantric Embodiment Guide
I listen to your body, I connect to the subtleties of the energies that surround you. I invite you to be in your deepest authenticity to bring you towards your full liberation.
My approach is intended to be a combination of gentleness and access to a more primal energy during the sessions, which are transformative, sensory and activating.
I am here to hear Your truth, Your desires and Your aspirations.
For me, Tantra is activating the energy of life, the creative energy that allows changes inside and outside of us. It is an energy that aligns us with what really calls us, at all levels.
I am available on Saturdays. Please book at least 48 hours in advance.
Ideally 3 to 5 days in advance to give me the chance to organize my family schedule and travel from the Laurentians.
My story
Tantra has revolutionized my life. Tantra appeared in my life in 2010, when my soul and my deep prayers were guiding me to re-align my work, my relationships, my way of approaching sexuality and my perception of life. By encountering Tantra, I began to discover what I now call my 'inner home', and I felt guided to dive deeper into my body to be intimately connected with the sensations it contained.
Leaving my career in mechanical engineering, I dove into the unknown to carve a path aligned with my authentic truth and life energy, learning directly from the wisdom of my body and immersing myself in various schools, experiences and trainings such as yoga therapy, inner relationship focusing, somatic healing, conscious and nonviolent communication, emotional release, sexual and body disarmament, temple arts, tantric massage, and much more.
As a tantrika and yogini, I believe our body is a sacred vessel where our soul resides. I believe we are connected to an infinite source of spiritual love and that our bodies hold the keys to ecstasy, releasing a primordial life energy and power that nourishes and guides us to create a life that is most authentic and aligned with our soul.
Since 2010, I have supported and inspired thousands of people, men and women, online and in person, to reconnect with the truth of their bodies, their authentic expression, their deepest and most exquisite desires, and their heart's highest calling.
My Education and Experience
Business School @ CEO program with Victoria Washington
2019 - …:
Participant and active member of the organization of Tantric Temples in Costa Rica
2019 - 2022:
Soul centered entrepreneurship, organic business, wealth activator
@ Wealth Consciousness Academy & Soul Wealth Coaching with Corrina Steward:
2015 – 2019
le playground with Marco Frediani & Lourdes Gutierrez: Certified coach & leadership trainings
2012 – 2019
Infinity Healing School with Gabrielli LaChiara: Healing practitioner and various workshop attendance
2010 – 2018
Human Body Engineering Montreal & Osteoyoga Montreal: Yoga therapist and deep embodiment immersion (more than 4000 hrs of direct practice)
Massage Therapy and Healing, Human Body Engineering Montreal
Reiki Level 1 Training, Pachamama Eco-Community
2009 – …
Pachamama Eco-Community & Transformation Center: Various workshops, including Tantra, Primal deconditioning, Red temples, silence retreats, satori retreat transformation journeys, community living
– Other certifications and workshops:
– Licensed Massotherapist
– Licensed Naturotherapist
– Certified doula
– Certified pre-natal and post-natal yoga teacher
– Multiple trainings and practice in non-violent communication, inner relationship focusing, tantra
1999 - 2003
Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal